This item can bend space time and distort reality by 5 minutes a day. Use it wisely. This item is represented in the shape of a small insect.
This playing deck has multiple uses. The player that has this ai item gains a standard playing deck. They can draw each card only once then it is removed from the game. Each card has a different action.
Attack with 2d4 + blood pool strength. This weapon siphons off part of the targets health as well as the users health. Each attack deals normal damage plus it's siphoned blood pool. At the end of each attack the blood pool is increased. Roll a d4 and that damage is dealt to the target and the player. Healing the player reduces this blood pool by that amount. Attitude: violent and silly
1d4 melee agility attack per level. The wielder gains the depressed condition. This condition cannot be cured or removed unless unequiping the item. Gain 1 extra action per turn.
1d8 melee strength per level spent on this item. If the player using this item sings while attacking on their turn they gain a 4d6 bonus.
This ai item can posess the wearer to gain a 1d6 bonus to disguise checks per level spent on this item.
A cloak covered in eyes. Gain a 3d6 bonus when trying to observe something.
A small cat ai bot that is sentient, can talk and carry up to 5 lbs. Each ticket spent on it levels the bot one level. It can increase it's stats, gain or level abilities with these tickets.
When played the player gains a 1d6 bonus per level placed in this item. At the end of playing the player takes 3d6 damage.
The wearer of this ai item gains two spirits that only they can see. One good and one evil. However they both look and sound the same. So it's ont always easy to tell which is which. As an action you can ask your spirits the direction of the item. You have a 50% chance that the storyteller tells or flips in secret to determine if it was the good or evil one.
Gain 2d6 special dice used for summoning with this ai item. As an action roll all three dice and follow the chart to see what you summon. This summon lasts for 1 hour. 2: 2 Monkies 3: Tiger 4: Sloth 5: 3 Piranhas 6: Flock of Macaw 7: 8 Monkies 8: 2 Flying Monkies 9: 4 Zebras 10: 2 Rinos 11: 4 Snakes 12: 3 Lions
A shield named Sally. Provides 5 defense per 2 class ticekts spent on it. It starts with 5 defense.